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Movie 57 Prophesy 12 Extraterrestrials
Well might you wonder why the last prophesy of the last Old Testament prophet should address the issue of extra-terrestrials.  It might seem like mixing centuries.  But in fact, the prophesy remains the same.  To begin with let me recall a moment of wittiness from my youth.  A friend was addressing us in the high school auditorium, and he began, “You may be thinking I’m an expert up here so I’ll remind you that an ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure.”  Words to live by, which I have clutched to my heart for two generations.
Here are some words from Ezekiel, a major prophet. 
Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth [month], in the fifth [day] of the month, as I [was] among the captives by the river of Chebar, [that] the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God.
There was a whirlwind, fire, cloud, brightness and four wonderous creatures, and  …
15 Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, with his four faces.
16 The appearance of the wheels and their work [was] like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work [was] as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.
17 When they went, they went upon their four sides: [and] they turned not when they went.
18 As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their rings [were] full of eyes round about them four.
19 And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them: and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up.
The experts of course have poured over the text, but I rather like the song “Ezekiel Saw a Wheel,” which cuts to the chase.

Either way, this is a UFO report right up there with the overwhelming majority of those of the past half century or so. 
Ezekiel goes on to demonstrate the imagery and intensity that make him a major prophet.  F’r instance there is a vision in which he confronts a wall, and he rips at the wall until he reaches a door and goes in the door.  Got that?  You are in the grips of a world class narrative hook. … Ok, behind the door is a room full of abominations. 
So I feel I am not betraying the tradition by going on about UFO’s, flying saucers.  Reports come in various forms and content, so I’ll try to categorize them more-or-less along degrees of immediacy. 
To me the least immediate approach is not a category of observation but of interpretation.  Any theory that depends on explaining something visible by appealing to time travel, parallel universes, inter-dimensional travel and faster than light travel seems to feel like explaining a difficulty by invoking an impossibility, and bear in mind that this comes from the one person I know of who can actually give you evidence or a parallel reality.  I have no special understanding to add to any debate; believe as you will.
Then there is a category which has a single example, although a robust one.  The book Death on Mars by John E. Brandenburg (Here is my copy.) suggests a single visit in the distant past that might be repeated in the distant future.  I don’t want to steal his thunder, but he has a dire warning and does have evidence, although I am not qualified to comment on it.
A step closer, and I’ve had to cobble this together from multiple sources, would be visits at periodic intervals. 
There is, according to archeologists, something associated with the Mayan calendar called the “Long Count,” lasting some years, the last one ending in December of 2012.  Each cycle is about 5,125.36 years.  So reckoning from then, counts should have gone by

5,125.36 – 2012 = 3,113.36 so let’s guess a count began about August of 3,113 BC, assuming I have the month right and I didn’t mess up trying to cope with the fact that there is no year zero.  If we continue back, 3,113 + 5125 = 8238 BC, maybe April.  And cycling back again 8238 + 5125 = 13, 363 BC in December. 
So our calendar goes:
13,363 BC
8, 238 BC
3,113 BC
2012 AD  

What was going on?
13,363 BC

Japanese Yonaguni monuments built before 10,000 BC.  Since that time the area has been under water.  So the date is only approximate.



8, 238 BC
9130 BC –8800 BC first construction at Gobekli Tepe.,r:9,s:0,i:117&tx=118&ty=70&dur=141 Downloaded December 21, 2012
This was an enormous series of constructions done before any evidence of settled communities.  The people were thought all to be hunter gatherers.  Those T-shaped stone are bigger than a person and there are associated carving showing amazing skill.  After a time, work on the structures stopped and the like did not occur again until the rise of Egypt and Sumer.

3,113 BC
3100–3050 BC first Egyptian Pharaoh.  Merimda head from about that time.
f downloaded December 21, 2012 I feel pretty safe in assuming you know what the pyramids look like. 

2012 AD Pretty much the present.  “Globalism” is a striking if nauseating feature of public life and discourse.    And that makes three long count cycles; that’s right, isn’t it?
So at each cycle, roughly speaking, there is an abrupt appearance of an incredibly advanced civilization.  That’s quite surprising since the Mayans should, on the face of it, have known nothing about any of them.  You are welcome to make the assumption that something came along and said, “You must mobilize in enormous groups.”  If you were to guess than, you still would need to choose: Are these visitors a) blessing us with the treasures of civilization or b) cursing us with the merging or populations and thus dooming us to extinction?  Maybe globalism is part of that agenda. 
After all, the years are not exact.  Or maybe they’ve said, “They’re toast.  Our work here is done.”  Of course, the long cycle time implies that they have a number of planets to call on to pursue their agenda.
The bulk of hints of extra-terrestrials consists of classical UFO sightings, or people reporting seeing unrecognized lights in the sky.  I rather prefer the modern UAP, unidentified aerial phenomena.  Using the word “object” seems to me to prejudice the case in favor or there actually being something solid up there.  UAP’s range from Ezekiel to the “Battle of Los Angeles” assuming I have the city right.  Lights over the Pacific were interpreted as incoming Japanese aircraft, it being WWII, and thousands of anti-aircraft rounds were expended hitting nothing and getting no response.  There is a club MUFON, which I think means “mutual UFO network” 18023 Sky Park Circle, Unit F2, Irvine, CA 92614, 949 476 8366,  Their journal should satisfy your appetite for sightings.
Among the characteristics of the UAP’s is their apparent ability to move at supersonic speeds without creating shock waves.  I suppose I could offer a design for a craft that could do that, but the obvious interpretation is that there is actually nothing there.  It has been shown that photons can interact with each other and with electrons.  From that knowledge it is only a matter of some really clever engineering to project luminous images anywhere. 
Now the question arises as to what anybody, terrestrial or extra-terrestrial, might do that.  If they wanted their projections to be noticed, they’d make them appear at regular times in the same place.  If they wanted them not to be noticed, they’d give them the same navigation lights as ordinary aircraft.  The possible purpose that comes to my mind is that they are there as a distraction; there might be real objects that are imperfectly cloaked and the conspicuous lights are there to distract observers.
There are a couple of other odd things.  One is that in spite of the fact of so many people carrying really good cameras, the images seem to be poor and rather shaky.  The frightening notion would be that somehow something is influencing people not to go expeditiously about making record shots.  Another things, quite rarely reported, is that the lights seem to be associated with ICBM launcher malfunctions; as is the masters or the lights would rather not have an all out nuclear war; maybe they have plans for the world after they have got shed of us. 
I understand that Project Blue Book was a government program to collect and investigate UAP’s.  It was terminated because they were deemed no threat.  I beg to differ.  Anything that can distract a pilot is a threat to navigation.  They need to have pilots report what they see, do a cursory investigation.  Tell the pilot if there is an easy explanation and check generally for new pattern.  This in fact is probably actually going on now. 

A step closer at hand would be evidence for physical contact.  The most engaging book I have read on such an event is Encounter in Rendlesham Forest by is Nick Pope.  I have lost my copy, but I bought it from Amazon, where I pinched this image:

Encounter in Rendlesham Forest: The Inside Story of the World's Best-Documented UFO Incident

by Nick Pope , John Burroughs, et al. | Apr 15, 2014 I don’t know if that’s the cheapest way to get a copy.
Someone put his hands on an apparent UFO and reported having got information and some instructions.  Again, I’ll not spoil the book, but Pope does bring up again the question of mind control, troubling whatever the source. 
Another encounter is described in which the carrier Nimitz got sight of a number of lights over a period of time and actually send planes out to investigate.  One of the lights is said to have entered the water and been picked up on sonar.  Now that one I cannot explain as a projection.  If the story is true, there actually was something solid there, an “object.”
But the possibility is that in each of those cases, the object was a drone rather than an occupied vehicle, and the same can be said for the putative objects being cloaked by the UAP’s. 
The closest approach would be to come face to face with an extraterrestrial.  There are many stories of this happening, so believe what you will.  But before going further, let’s have a bit of fun. 
While preparing for this show, I was looking around YouTube for any interesting new ideas.  One commentator, and I am sorry I didn’t keep a reference, suggested that a tenth of people being abducted by extra-terrestrials is an understatement; everybody gets abducted repeatedly.  
Well if anybody is going to get abducted, surely it must be I.  So on a lark I took a flashlight to bed.  I slept like you would wish a baby would sleep.  But the next night I didn’t sleep at all.  I had a mild sore throat by daybreak and by 11 AM was sicker than I have ever been in my life before.  I’ll not embarrass you with details.  But by 6 PM I was able to function normally and in a week or so was back as sound as ever.
My friends said I had a black eye.  I couldn’t see it in the mirror, but apparently the camera caught it.  

So that’s what you get if you fight your abductors.  Once I found out what they were doing, I took the attitude, “So that’s the way you want it?  You think you can beat me in a fight if you hold all the cards.  Bring it on.  Let’s do this.”  I have had no trouble sleeping and no recurrence in the weeks since. 
Now let me insist that this is all fluke.  I don’t think I was really having a punch up with extra-terrestrials at all.  I include it only for fun.
In spite of my skepticism, let’s consider – assuming they exist – where these extra-terrestrials might have come from?  If they make vehicles, there is one form or life that does so as well.  Modern humans make machines we travel in, and we are close at hand.  Any other life form would have to come vast distances, and the notion that their civilization could survive long enough for them to make such a trip seems remote.  The most parsimonious assumption must be that they are or, are the descendants of, modern humans.  Let’s see if we can make that work.
The earliest dates involving humans we have covered so far is the beginning of the first Mayan long count.   I do not know why the Mayan long count matches so well with human events, but let us assume that humans or some of them, who had already been around a long time, started to move toward civilization in 13,363 BC.  The sea level was a lot lower then, and one supposes that they practiced agriculture and built their towns on the exposed continental shelves. 
Experience with more recent modern humans suggests that within 300 years they could have, and might be disposed to, build something like the Yonaguni monuments, which would bring us up to 13,063 BC. 
Timing it from the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution – both of which require long term social stability and laws of science and intellect which are unchanging – these same good things should likewise take about 300 years, bringing us up to 12,763 BC.  One must suppose there were many societies living on continental shelves and need only one of them to adopt the social norm of marrying strictly within your 100-family community.  The rest follows, including space travel in another 300 years or 12,463 BC.
On current course, I recon we can (if our civilization survives) be establishing colonies on the moon and Mars in a couple more centuries – bringing the time up to, say 12,263 BC.
If the situation is stable and if the home civilization continues to support the colonies, let’s say 1,000 more years pass, bringing us up to 11,263 BC.   At this point the Martian colony has a serious problem.  Its survival depends on home support, and at home things are changing.  The ice age ends about 10,000 BC.  Surely somebody has a better idea than I do of the actual timing, but let’s say over a period of 1,000 years the sea level rose to about its present place.  As it rose, the breaker line obliterated every trace of habitation.  People moved uphill, and that broke down the village system that had served them so long and well.  Maybe early on they had the resources to prevent it, but did not realize how big the problem was until loss of farmland and loss of population meant they could do nothing.
People didn’t go extinct on the earth; some survived in a number of places.  But all trace of civilization was lost.  So the Martians could not survive where they were without support, and they could not return to earth because the gravity was too great.  They were no longer robust enough to function here efficiently.  They died out or migrated to the moon.
The moon was in better shape.  The close proximity to the earth meant they could tap the earth’s resources.  So they developed their vehicles, their drones, their cloaking mechanisms and no doubt a host of things we cannot even imagine.  And, if there are any extra-terrestrials around at all, they survive on the far side of the moon, prudently staying out of sight.
Then what might be the attitude of these creatures.   I can think of three possibilities.  One is that they are so foreign to us and we to them that no form of communication is possible.  In that case they might as well be drones, and essentially might as well not exist.
Perhaps they mean us well.  As one scans the literature on such things one finds that there are people who look forward to a time of spiritual growth.  Don’t buy it.  There are some bad ideas out there.  Globalism and Populism, followed to the logical extreme, are suicidal.  If you want spiritual growth turn to your ancestral religion.  It will have passed the test of time, will be the most congenial to your current makeup and likely has the people among whom you will need to socialize if your line is not to die out.
Another thing people speculate on is that they will admit us to some galactic federation, where peace, love and wisdom are supreme.  On the face of it, that’s impossible; distances are too great.  Besides there is zero evidence for such a federation unless perchance the eerie predictability of the Mayan long count is a clue, and if it is, the federation is out to kill us off anyway.
If they really did mean us well, they’d warn us of the danger of outbreeding, as I have been doing lo these many years.  But no warning comes; indeed if anything, the opposite holds.  They are content to watch us go extinct.  They will not lift a finger.  So the first conclusion is that the extra-terrestrials are not your friends.
If they want us gone, the logical thing to do would be to kill me.  I am, so far as I can see, the only serious impediment to their dastardly plan.  There are plenty of humans willing to have humans killed in pursuit of power.  So why am I spared?
Either my chances are so pathetically small that I am no threat or they just don’t want to live with the terrible emotional cost of actually having killed somebody.  In fact, they might even do us a bit of a favor one day.  There are those who think they are able to stop nukes being launched, and if they don’t want the world stinking with radioactivity, they might limit the number that get used.  Likewise, although it seems to me that when there are 10 billion people and we can only feed 2 billion, they might intervene subtly to keep us fed and keep the environment in a state from which it could recover after we are gone.
The first conclusion is that they will not harm you.
Putting the two conclusions together – they are not your friends but they will not harm you, the final conclusion is:
It doesn’t matter whether they exist at all.  

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